The Recycling and Environmental Action Planning Society
REAPS was established with the mandate of fostering environmental stewardship in the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George. For over 30 years, we have raised community awareness on the importance of the seven Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink, refuse, repair, regift – and the resources available locally to help guide residents in adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

WORK HERE – Together Let’s Make a Difference
Are you interested in joining a passionate team whose goal is to work towards collectively reducing the environmental footprint in our are?

30 years has been a blur and we’ve accomplished a lot since those beginning days. Collectively with our organization, volunteers and our partners we proudly celebrate these achievements together, while continuing these efforts today. Discover who we are, our beginning roots and our journey.

Programs for Teachers
We offer free school programs for classrooms around the region.
Tailored, grade-appropriate content introduces students to concepts of waste reduction, sustainability, and our impact on the planet. Teachers can choose from a variety of programs to support their curriculum across the school year. Some topics feature out-of-classroom, experiential learning in the community.

We host both in-person and virtual learning events year-round.
In the spring and summer, our Compost Demonstration Garden will teach you all you need to know about methods of composting, topdressing, natural pest control and more. Our office hosts workshops on achieving zero-waste goals, DIY solutions for common household cleaners, and more.